The next Kiwiburn will be held inJanuary 2025<br />
Exact dates to be confirmed<br />
Stay tuned and we’ll see you on the Paddock!

Recent News

Auckland Burners’ virtual Decompression a HUGE success

Auckland Burners’ virtual Decompression a HUGE success

Who says you can’t have a kicking party during lockdown? Auckland Burners proved that notion very much wrong over the past weekend when they hosted a massive 17 hour non-stop decom hosted online through Twitch, featuring DJs spinning a wide range of styles, fire...

Help make Burning Man “Multiverse” happen

Help make Burning Man “Multiverse” happen

We have previously reported that even the big Daddy, Burning Man (BM) itself won’t happen this year due to Covid-19.  However, the organisers have decided to make the most out of this year’s theme “Mulitverse” and intend to have an event in a virtual way. You can help...

Get your (virtual) Burn fix

As one Burn after another falls prey to Covid-19 and has to be cancelled, the Burner community is exploring the possibilities of still making Burn events happen, either virtually via streaming platforms or via avatars in digitalscapes.   Check out the growing list of...

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