Recent News
Remember, remember… that fireworks can be dangerous
It's that time of the year when the British (and affiliates) traditionally celebrate a failed coup by a chap called Guy Fawkes (and affiliates) to overthrow their government way back in 1605. These days of course this involves fireworks being shot into the night sky...
Who wants to get hitched at Kiwiburn 2020?
Are any of you lovebirds considering getting married on the Paddock next year? There will be a registered celebrant for marriages and civil unions on site who would be very happy to help you arrange a matrimonial ceremony as her gift. Part of the process would need to...
Of love and friendships
How do relationships evolve and emerge intact from a Burn? Burner events have a reputation of being notoriously hard on romantic relationships and friendships alike. If you don't prepare and communicate well with each other, then this can certainly be true. Any...