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Permit tribulations for Burning Man 2019
It seems that having difficulty obtaining consent and permits from authorities is a universal problem for Burner events, and the original is not exempt. Burning Man details its difficulties to align with recommendations (372 page document and 11 technical reports) by...
Maslenitsa – Russian Shrovetide festival
Humans burning things is deeply entrenched in many cultures, religions and folklore. The Russian festival of Maslenitsa is no different. Held just prior to Lent, the 40 day fast preceding Easter observed by Christian and Orthodox followers, the event has been...
Aroha for our community
Illustration by Ruby Jones Tēnā koutou katoa, We are filled with aroha and compassion for our Muslim communities, for all migrants, for former refugees and for Ōtautahi/Christchurch after the heart breaking and evil terrorist attack on Friday. Our condolences...