Recent News
A round up of sorts…
Tēna koutou, here is some offshore news for your viewing pleasure. Ka pai world and thanks for all the fish. Dive into the past.. and into Burning Man mischief, the story-before-the-story... find out about BRC before it was even on the beach and where it's gone in the...
News from Tankwa Town
Aiee! Tankwa Town (that's Afrikaburn to you missy) is coming atcha, 29 April - 5 May next year and tickets are on sale now. Oh boy do they ever have some news... if you're going, check out their website. They are recruiting for DPW, Rangers, fundraisers and oh so much...
Regional Round-a-bout… now
Dare we say it... welcome to summer? Here are some slirpy newsies from around the world to whet your appetite for the months to come. Swwwww... this feature-length docu-genre news story about Burning Man, in German! ...MOOP-a-dupa. Watch this and you'll...