Recent News
Kiwiburn 2016 sold out!
Thank you for your support – Kiwiburn 2016 is now sold out! Did you miss out and are still keen to go? After discussing the space and volunteer situation, the ExCom has agreed to release 100 more tickets, available online from 9am on 16 January. Please remember that...
Kiwiburn 2016 tickets almost sold out
You've all been feasting on tickets and now there are only 50 of them left for Kiwiburn 2016: Pot Luck and Emotion. Head to our ticket page and have a read of all the information about how to get yours! nb There are no gate sales.
AGM 2015 Agenda
AGM AGENDA (Tuesday 18 August 2015) Full details on how to participate are here. Review of the previous year;– Chairperson’s Report– Treasurer’s Financial Report– Festival Afterburn Report Review of Committee Members and Officers’ roles and holders of these...