The next Kiwiburn will be held inJanuary 2025<br />
Exact dates to be confirmed<br />
Stay tuned and we’ll see you on the Paddock!

Recent News

Reminder: Fireside Chat is Tonight!

Reminder: Fireside Chat is Tonight!

What are you doing tonight at 7pm? Yes tonight, being Tuesday the 27th. Probably nothing important right? Well luckily for you, we’ve got something interesting for you to do! Come along to our fireside chat tonight, you’ll get to chat with $exCom to discuss the...

Extra! Extra! Read all About it!

Extra! Extra! Read all About it!

Look, we know you love nothing more than reading minutes. Who doesn’t?! One of the unsung joys of life! Well, we have not one but TWO sets of minutes for you to savour this week. Read them and glean the inner workings of $exCom: ExCom Minutes: So as you may know,...

Poster Comp Closing Soon

Poster Comp Closing Soon

We all know by now that 2024 is a massive year for Kiwiburn. And for this, we need a massively mind-blowing poster for our massively magnificent Theme of DECADANCE! The winning design will also be used on stickers, wristbands, and vollie patches too, so it’s a pretty...

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