The next Kiwiburn will be held inJanuary 2025
Exact dates to be confirmed
Stay tuned and we’ll see you on the Paddock!

Recent News

Poster Competition

Poster Competition

Hey Burners, Don't forget about our Trash Renaissance Fair poster design competition! We had so many great submissions for the theme, there’s doubtless a bunch of you out there who can whip up a two-dimensional masterpiece. We need your creativity to shine! A theme of...

Art Grant money for you and for you and for you!

Art Grant money for you and for you and for you!

Whether you’re a painter, a sculptor, a lover of pretty lights, everything in between and anything beyond - now is your chance to potentially grab some dosh towards your awesome as Art project! Art Grants are open until 25 June 2024, just 3 weeks from now.    If...

KAC is recruiting!

KAC is recruiting!

Do you love seeing art on the Paddock? Want to see more of it at the Burn? Are you keen to get more involved with Kiwiburn? If you answered ‘YES!’ to any of these, then KAC may be for you! What’s KAC? It’s the Kiwiburn Arts Committee. The KAC are responsible for...

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