The next Kiwiburn will be held inJanuary 2025
Exact dates to be confirmed
Stay tuned and we’ll see you on the Paddock!

Recent News

Burning Man 2023 – Temple of the Heart

Burning Man 2023 – Temple of the Heart

This year, the Temple of the Heart, designed to look like an upside-down desert flower with a stem reaching up into the sky, will grace the Playa in all its glory. Designed by Ela Madej and co-lead Reed Finlay, the Temple aims to create a feeling of being near a...

Kiwiburn 2024 Theme

Kiwiburn 2024 Theme

Alright you lot! Listen up! The time has come to start thinking about the Theme for Kiwiburn 2024. Each year, the chosen Theme guides the Art, costumes, and Events you experience at Kiwiburn. We’re sure we don’t need to remind you (we will anyway ‘cause we’re good...

Feel the Burn Year Round!

Feel the Burn Year Round!

If you’re missing that unparalleled feeling of being immersed in Kiwiburn - y’know, that bubbling excitement, enthusiasm, and anticipation you feel in the lead up to the Burn - we have something that miiight just hit the spot! Many of you will know that our fantastic...

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