Calling Members of Kiwiburn!
Did you buy a ticket and attend the most recent Kiwiburn Event?
If so, you’ve been a Member of Kiwiburn Incorporated since then!
Membership entitles you to attend the Kiwiburn Annual General meeting (AGM), giving YOU a voice in the happenings of Kiwiburn Incorporated. The purchasing of a ticket to a Kiwiburn Event, along with attendance at Kiwiburn, guarantees Membership for one year from the date of the event held. This means some of you have been official members of Kiwiburn Inc. for a number of years!
How does Membership work when no event is held?
Kiwiburn Incorporated must have 15 members of Kiwiburn attend the AGM to be able to satisfy our Society Rules as a New Zealand Incorporated Society.
So what happens when there is no Kiwiburn Event to provide Membership? Kiwiburn’s Society Rules have a contingency for this occurrence. Clause 5.0 of our Society Rules currently states that Membership can be obtained via $15.00 annual membership
subscription to Kiwiburn Incorporated.
How do you become a Member?
We need at least 15 Kiwiburners to pay the $15.00 annual membership
subscription and attend the AGM (held online mid-year) to be able to satisfy our current requirements as an Incorporated Society.
Keen to have your say at the next Kiwiburn AGM? You need to:
- Make your payment of $15.00 to this account: 03-0502-0614934-05 using online banking. When making your payment, use these fields:
Particulars Your first name
Code Your surname
Reference KB Member
- Supply your name, address, phone number and email address using this form:
Oops! We could not locate your form.
Once you have made the payment and completed the form, you will be a Member of Kiwiburn.
nb To be able to be confirmed as a member in time for the AGM, Membership applications and payments need to be received by Kiwiburn Inc 14 days prior to AGM.
See you at the next AGM!