2016 Theme and Poster Competition

Jun 4, 2015

The theme for Kiwiburn 2016 is: Pot luck and emotion

“Come one, come all. Camp, cook, celebrate; Laugh, cry, levitate. What’s better than a shared lunch with your work mates? A sensory feast with your burning besties! Dine on dance, masticate on music, and gorge your heART out. Whether on the paddock or down in the trees, treat yourself to a healthy slice of community. Let the sights and sounds conjure up an unforgettable mix of joy, humanity and sweet, sweet, oneness. Like nana’s best summer ambrosia, Kiwiburn will leave you weeping tears of joy and asking please, please, MAY I HAVE SOME MORE!”
– Patrick Norton

Thanks Patrick for your winning idea! You’ll be seeing it as artforms all over the Paddock next year, as costumes, art, performance, events – what will you be bringing? If the theme has inspired your creative side, get designing a poster for Kiwiburn and your idea could be the poster for Kiwiburn16! All the information is here: https://kiwiburn.com/poster-competition/

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