Behind the Scenes: Meet Holly – Crew Facilitator

Dec 2, 2019

A new installation of our Behind-The-Scenes series to introduce some of the crafty volunteers who make Kiwiburn happen.

Meet Holly, who facilitates the Crew department within Kiwiburn, and is also an ExCom member. 

Holly has been a part of Kiwiburn for coming up to six years now. She has also attended Nowhere in Spain, and Burning Seed in Australia. And Holly was one of the key founders of Ignition in early 2019.

She is an avid event enthusiast who spends much of her free time with her fingers in many pies. Past pies have included, Splore, Womad, and Sound Splash, as well as a number of personal projects.

Firstly, what does the Crew Facilitator role involve?

Overseeing the care of the people who put their heart and soul into Kiwiburn – are you doing okay? Do you need a cup of coffee or a shot of whiskey? How about a sticker?

How do you spend your time when you are not doing things related to Kiwiburn? 

Currently my free time is focused on Splore, and making poor choices. 

Being involved with Kiwiburn can take a lot of energy. How do you re-energise? 

Poor choices. Although Kiwiburn brings me a lot of energy in and of  itself. 

Do you have a favourite Burn outfit?

It’s a multi-coloured blue neon one piece that lights up in UV. Plus the Zebra onesie. Always the onesie. 

What skills have you learned by being involved with Kiwiburn?

Anticipating the needs of others, making hard choices, living in the moment. 

What has been your favourite moment at a Burn?

Going for a turn about the Paddock. Who knows that might happen?

What are you most excited about for Kiwiburn 2020?  

This year I hope to connect with as many new friends as old ones.

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