Reserve Tickets

Reserve Tickets

If you’re eligible for a Reserve Ticket (Artists, Theme Camps, and Volunteers), your task this week is to make sure your Burner Profile is active – create your Profile and fill in the Community Survey – on the Kiwiburn Portal.  Once your Profile is active,...
Art Registration Deadline

Art Registration Deadline

The deadline for Art registrations (with the chance at an allocated ticket) has been extended until 26 Oct (that’s tomorrow!). This is your final chance to register your Art if you want the opportunity to nab a reserve ticket along with it.   If you want to...
Art Registration Reminder

Art Registration Reminder

If you had some hard luck in the ticket lottery and general sale, this is a gentle but not-so-subtle reminder to GET YO ART REGISTRATIONS IN! You could still nab yourself a sweet sweet ticket with your sweet sweet Art IF it’s registered by 19 October (that’s next...
Registrations are Re-Open!

Registrations are Re-Open!

If you fell asleep and forgot to register, you can do it now! If you want to jump into the back of the STEP queue, or if you’re registering for a reserve ticket (artists, Theme Camps, crew etc.) hop on over here and get yourself registered.  You’ll still need to fill...
The Tinkle Drum at Burning Man

The Tinkle Drum at Burning Man

We followed the journey of Tinkle Drum from conception to prototype and all the way to the Playa. Now we are proud to report that the musical, inclusive, sustainable people-powered-music-machine made it all the way through Burning Man, connecting, engaging and...
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