Burning Man Recap

Burning Man Recap

For the first time in three years, the Man Burned! Waking Dreams seemed an appropriate moniker for something so surreal. Speaking not as an attendee, but an envious onlooker, it looked as though despite being on the ropes since 2019, Burning Man has come back harder...
Regional Round Up

Regional Round Up

AfrikaBurn – Has released this amazing video covering how their Burn, The Elastic Kraal, went this year. They’ve squeezed so much into five minutes, we absolutely must recommend you check it out while waiting for your tea to steep. They have also kicked off all...
Share Your Burn

Share Your Burn

Share Your Burn If were lucky enough to go to Burning Man this year and you’re radiating with that post-Burn glow, trying to get dust out of places you never knew dust could reach, we want to hear from you!  We thought it could be pretty cool to put together a blog...
Volunteer Call: Well-Being Facilitator

Volunteer Call: Well-Being Facilitator

Do you like having a good time? Hate having a bad time? Do you want to help other Burners have a good time too? Then consider applying for the role of Kiwiburn 2023 Well-Being Facilitator! Believe it or not, this well-oiled machine of eclectic madness you see before...
Help Kiwiburn Green Motuihe Island!

Help Kiwiburn Green Motuihe Island!

Spring is (technically) here! This had the Kiwiburn Sustainability Initiative so excited, we had to get them to lie down for a bit. But they want your help! What better way to get hyped for a season of new life than to be a part of a native restoration project? Our...
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