Let there be water

Let there be water

More info on water at Kiwiburn: The tanks and main water line are now in place. The distribution system on the Paddock is still to be installed during the event build period over the next couple of weeks. Water is a precious resource so a filling station for DRINKING...
Alright Burner Fam, let’s talk transport

Alright Burner Fam, let’s talk transport

Carpooling is a cool thing to do. You can make friends, swap stories, and try new snacks. It’s kind on the wallet, and good for the planet. Play corners in the backseat, or discover who knows all the words to the Chicago soundtrack; anything is possible when you share...
Happy non-denominational, end-of-year celebration, Human Beings!

Happy non-denominational, end-of-year celebration, Human Beings!

Whether you spin a dreidel, light the seven Kwanzaa candles, hang shiny things on a pine tree trapped in an artificial stasis bewtixt life and death, or are just glad to see the back end of 2022, we at Kiwiburn want to wish you and your peeps the happiest of...
Kiwiburn AGM

Kiwiburn AGM

This year’s Annual General Meeting of Kiwiburn is being held at (TBC but likely) 8pm on Tuesday 20 December, 2022. Save the date! This will be a virtual meeting – watch our Facebook page for the link or check the next EFP (psst, that’s this thing you’re...
Kiwiburn Still Needs You!

Kiwiburn Still Needs You!

We’ve put out calls for much needed volunteers over the past few weeks and we’ve still got some crucial roles that need filling ASAP. Click on the roles below for more info. Year Round Roles: Secretary MPW 2iC Town Planning Lead Onsite Roles: Medic Baker You can check...
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