Burn After Reading
Burn After Reading is a short zine letting you know about how to stay safe at the Burn. This is a light overview, not a handbook. Kiwiburn encourages you to adhere to the Guiding Principles, but we are hoping this zine will help you out if you need. Download your...
Merry Hippy Happy
Kia ora, Burner whānau! What a ride 2023 has been, huh? Here’s hoping we actually get a summer in 2024 – I, for one, am frothing for a swim in that beautiful Rangitikei river when we finally go Home again! We at the EFP thank you all for tuning in to our...
Burns from the Past – The 2008 Kiwiburn Documentary
A few weeks ago, we mentioned the existence of a documentary that a few Burners made of the 2008 Burn. Well, luckily for us, we were sent the link to it, which is handily on YouTube for the world to see. So, if you’d like to check out what the Burn looked like all the...