Do you leave the Burn with too many beans? Are you willing to part with some pasta? Have you got MORE LOVE TO GIVE?! This year, Leftover Love will be collecting (non perishable, sealed) food items to donate to food banks/pantries in the KB region. Less food waste,...
Coming to Kiwiburn 2024? Then be sure to read this important info regarding entry to the event! Gate hours remain the same this year; however the first hour of Wednesday 24th (8-9am) will be dedicated to express entry only. This means Theme Camps, artists, and...
What’s the buzz around a planting bee? Our Infrastructure Facilitator, Floyd, has been facilitating some (plant) infrastructure on our beloved Paddock! In his own words… “During August MPW and some other community members gathered at the Kiwiburn site to plant...
A quick reminder: we have a tree planting working bee coming up in a few days! Come join a few eager beavers 17 to 21 August to plant a few woody bits at Rathmoy, the Kiwiburn site in Hunterville as part of the Kiwiburn sustainability initiative. We need a few people...
Come join a few eager beavers 17 to 21 August to plant a few woody bits at Rathmoy, the Kiwiburn site in Hunterville as part of the Kiwiburn sustainability initiative. We need a few people for the whole time but mostly would love local Burners to come help us plant...