Whoa, that was something else on Saturday morning. It was anticipated that tickets would go quickly, but no one expected an official sell-out time of 38 minutes, with all tickets in baskets awaiting final processing within five minutes! Your fingers were on fire! To...
Choose how you can help to make Kiwiburn 2020 the best ever! Congratulations, you’ve secured one of the hottest tickets in town. Kiwiburn is created by volunteers for volunteers, so how will you contribute to making Kiwiburn 2020 happen? There are heaps of...
With the ever-increasing popularity of our beautiful little Burn, there has been some serious interest in the makeup of Kiwiburn 2020’s population. Will we be invaded by Europeans? Australians? Perhaps it will be entirely burgins (first timers), bringing to the...
Photo by Maxine Anderson Tickets: Check! Idea: Check! Getting Organised: In Progress! Theme Camp registrations are open, so get your thinking caps on and amaze fellow Burners with your creative and outrageous ideas for a Theme Camp. We can’t wait to see all the...
Calling all software savvy wizards, it’s time for Round Two! You may remember some time ago we were on the lookout for a magic crew of software ninjas to help with a special software development project. Well, that project is off the ground now and Kiwiburn is in need...