The poster competition has closed and we have imagery for Kiwiburn 2024 Decadance. Behold the awesome poster that you will see everywhere now! Congratulations to Eileen Harrison, who was the winning designer.
Everyone who attends KB24 (including those who receive tickets for Art, Theme Camps, Crew etc.) will need to create/update your Burner Profile and complete the Annual Community Survey. Once you have a Burner Profile and have completed the Annual Community Survey,...
We need a bunch of 2iC’s! Harness your hidden talents and unleash the superpowers within you. Click on the roles below for the full job descriptions, and hit this handy-dandy little link to get your application in. These are all $exCom roles so you’ll get all the...
$excomm is in need of some $econds in command. The central hub of Kiwiburn is run by some selfless and tireless individuals, but even they can’t do it all! The following roles very much need filling so that we can make Kiwiburn24 the most well-oiled Paddock shenanigan...
Here at Kiwiburn, we’re fans of all things pretty and colourful. So it’d be poor form if we didn’t announce the new ExCom structure in a nicely designed way. So behold, the new $exCom structure in all its glory. Laid out in one easy to read chart! This new structure...