Happy New Year 2022!

Happy New Year 2022!

Welcome to a whole new, brand spanking new year! Summer is well underway, the weather has been glorious and it’s hard not to feel a bit more optimistic (yeah, even in a pandemic. Can’t last forever, can it. CAN IT?).  While there’s no Kiwiburn, the community has been...
Info on Ticket Refunds

Info on Ticket Refunds

You’re all waiting to hear what is happening with tickets and here is an update: We will issue refunds on tickets purchased for Kiwiburn 2022, and we are working with Quicket to get this actioned early to mid in January, in line with our ticket purchase Terms...
Online Chat with ExCom – Tonight!

Online Chat with ExCom – Tonight!

Hey fam, don’t forget that Kiwiburn’s ExCom are hosting an online meeting tonight at 7:30 pm where you can ask whatever you want to ask about the Burn’s cancellation, refunds, and plans for replacement mini-Burns.  The link for this meeting is:...
Kiwiburn Cancellation FAQs

Kiwiburn Cancellation FAQs

For a full list of Kiwiburn’s FAQs, see here. These are a few specific questions that participants have been sending us since the 2022 Burn was cancelled: What is happening with refunds? This is being worked out as we speak! We’ll let you know when the refunds policy...
Kiwiburn 2022 TimeTravel: Cancelled

Kiwiburn 2022 TimeTravel: Cancelled

After much deliberation and following the government’s traffic light announcement on Monday 29 November, on Tuesday evening ExCom decided with very heavy hearts to cancel Kiwiburn 2022. A coordinated communications effort has been underway to notify landowners,...
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