On the weekend of 29 April ExCom* members sequestered themselves in a beautiful, isolated AirBnb at Manukau Heads near Auckland and hashed out the parameters for Kiwiburn 2023. There were presentations by the Green Kiwi Sustainability team and a virtual meeting with...
We know all those who purchased tickets for Kiwiburn 2022 via the general sale lottery and then received a refund have been feeling the loss and disappointment, and wondering what happens to you for Kiwiburn 2023. Conversely, everyone who was not successful in the...
ExCom needs a new name! One that is less stern, corporate and dry and represents what the Facilitators actually do, which is, well, facilitate the necessary bits and pieces to make the Burn happen. We’d love for you to submit your ideas of what ExCom should be called...
The Tinkle Drum is taking shape! This project follows the legacy of The Giant Weta which earned Black Rock City Honoraria project in 2016. Now we are building a human-powered musical instrument! The first, smaller(!) prototype build is well underway in preparation for...
Kiwiburn needs volunteers. We are purely volunteer based. Everything that happens, happens because someone gave of their time, heart, sweat and mind to make it happen. What does happen is a fabulous, ethereal bubble in space-time where the normal rules don’t hold and...