Photography at Kiwiburn: Read This, Snap-Happy Hippies.

Photography at Kiwiburn: Read This, Snap-Happy Hippies.

Kiwiburn is a magical, creative, and consent-driven wonderland, and we need your help to keep it that way. Whether you’re wielding a phone, a fancy camera, or just wondering if you can sneak a drone onto the Paddock (spoiler: you can’t), here’s the scoop on how...
Avid Photographers – It’s your time to shine!

Avid Photographers – It’s your time to shine!

The Department of Propaganda (that’s us!) is on the hunt for some wonderful folks who are both camera and computer savvy. If you’d like to join us (you know you want to), and can not only take some sweet sweet consensual photos but can also edit and organise said...
Beyond Black Rock: A Burning Man Global Showcase

Beyond Black Rock: A Burning Man Global Showcase

Recently, the Burning Man media liaison department reached out to Kiwiburn to supply a (very) small selection of photographs that showcase the best Kiwiburn has to offer and to provide a flavour of our beloved event. Hours of trawling through the archives resulted in...
Wristband Initiative a Success

Wristband Initiative a Success

We tried a new thing this year to address photography, consent and interaction with people taking pictures this year! We introduced bright yellow wristbands for punters to wear when they were happy to be photographed by our roaming team of Kiwiburn official...
Photography at Kiwiburn 2024

Photography at Kiwiburn 2024

Speaking of photography, if you’re curious on how it went this year, read on! Famous Tim, the Kiwiburn lead photographer, has written up a summary of how it went down: Kiwiburn 2024 photography was a whole lot easier in the dry this year. We kicked off at least...
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