Did you make a miniburn happen? You’re flipping awesome! We would love to know how you got on – partly to understand how the community self-organised in the face of the big Burn cancellation, and partly to know what little Burns were out there and might...
So quite a few of you did gather in paddocks, fields and barns around the country and kept the spirit (and maybe even a wee flame) of Burning events alive. Yay, go you! And many of you had a great time and will attend miniburns in the future, which is just awesome....
We have dried our tears and sighed our sighs, and loved the support from the community for the hard decision to cancel Kiwiburn this year. Now, the end of January approaches and many Burners are Doing A Thing, because we’re resourceful like that! The events are small...
As the embers of Kiwiburn crackle and spit, a lone spark has traveled over land and sea, making its way to a new home deep in the heart of Te Waipounamu. A few dedicated souls have taken to fanning that spark into a flame and now in late January 2022, we’re inviting a...
Surrounded by the luscious natural setting of Adventure Waikato, the ReGen team is creating and regenerating, fundraising for tree planting and shaping the stunning outdoor location with art and other curiosities to enjoy for years to come. Leave No Trace, Consent and...