Calling for Kiwiburn 2022 Art Theme submissions

Calling for Kiwiburn 2022 Art Theme submissions

“Image” credit: Jo Legutko We’ve dusted ourselves off after KB21, we’ve re-immersed ourselves into this thing called “The Real World”, and now it is time to think about next year! Put your thinking caps on, and let’s come up with a theme...
Extension to 2021 Poster competition

Extension to 2021 Poster competition

How are your poster designs looking? We have extended the deadline for the poster design submissions until 17 May at midnight, so get kraken and submit your ideas, doodle or concept and your artwork might feature on everything related to the Kiwiburn 2021...
Looking for Poster Designs

Looking for Poster Designs

Get your creative juices flowing and make your design ideas a reality! The Theme for Kiwiburn 2021 has been decided as  “Mythical Picnic”. What we need now is a poster to illustrate this. Everything you need to submit your masterpiece can be found here, Your design...

The 2021 Art Theme is Mythical Picnic

HANNAH MITCHELL EXPLAINS HER WINNING IDEA:  Come one, Come all, The Mythical Picnic is our destination. Invite the Unicorns, Gryphons and Krakens… Even the Cyclopes’, Gremlins and Bunyips are invited! Bring to life your imagination and bring out your inner...
Extension to 2021 Poster competition

Now you know the Theme….next comes the Poster

Feeling creative? Let the Mystical Picnic inspire you! Mythical creatures, psychedelic colours, rhyming verses, headings and writings, all in Comic Sans… the possibilities are endless of what the Kiwiburn 2021 Art Theme could mean to you! Get those creative juices...
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