Burner Registration link LIVE

Burner Registration link LIVE

Burner registration is now LIVE! So we have just one question… Are you feeling lucky, punks? Because once you fill in the Burner Profile, complete the survey and jump through the digital hoops, you can register for the ticket lottery. Time to cash in on all that good...
Burner Registrations

Burner Registrations

“What? Registrations!”, you ask. “Can’t I just bring my mellow vibes to the Paddock and promise to be really groovy the whole time?” Well, (we say with an only slightly condescending head-pat) that’s exactly what registration is all about! . Registrations go live on...
New Burner Profile Registration Process

New Burner Profile Registration Process

New Burner profiles are going live on 14 July, 2022.  We are changing things up again this year (it’s a social experiment, we must keep experimenting!) – the Burner Profile process is quite meaty now, with many questions about who you are, what you see the...
Kiwiburn 2023: Important updates from our Summit

Kiwiburn 2023: Important updates from our Summit

On the weekend of 29 April ExCom* members sequestered themselves in a beautiful, isolated AirBnb at Manukau Heads near Auckland and hashed out the parameters for Kiwiburn 2023. There were presentations by the Green Kiwi Sustainability team and a virtual meeting with...
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