The Secure Ticket Exchange Program (STEP) for Kiwiburn opens at 10am, Saturday 24 October. If you missed out on the allocated or general ticket sales, the only way to get a ticket to Kiwiburn is either i) find a friend willing to transfer theirs to you, or ii)...
Kiwiburn 2021 is now sold out! You’ve been waiting patiently, and finally the time is here. Kiwiburn 2021 General Ticket sale is on this Saturday 3 October at 10am! Make sure you have a registered Burner Profile before Saturday, even if you’ve registered for previous...
With tickets on sale as of 3 October, you might be wondering what happens in these uncertain times of Covid. While we are gearing up for an event that resembles normality (as much as Kiwiburn ever does!), there are a few things to know: If any part of the country is...
Theme camp registrations are now open until 30 October, so get crackin’ on telling us all about your amazing Theme Camps, new or old, tried and tested, or maybe some brilliant new idea that is the one thing missing from the Paddock! Please note that if you want to...
Get ready now to make sure you have all the info you need to register your Theme Camp and submit your request for reserve (direct sale) tickets because registration opens this week on Thursday 17 September! We will announce when the link is open on Facebook and the...