Help Kiwiburn Green Motuihe Island!
Spring is (technically) here! This had the Kiwiburn Sustainability Initiative so excited, we had to get them to lie down for a bit. But they want your help! What better way to get hyped for a season of new life than to be a part of a native restoration project? Our...
Don’t Just Sit There… Volunteer!
Vollie! Vollie! Vollie! Oi! Oi! Oi! As most of you know, Kiwiburn is run on volunteers and as always, we’re looking for more of these wonderful creatures. There are a bunch of year-round roles seeking willing participants to put their hands up and get involved. ...
Kiwiburn Crew Needs You!
Hey, you! Fancy yourself a bit of a Burn aficionado? Know the ins and outs of how the various teams function and feel like it’s time to leap into an exciting role where you get to help make crucial decisions for Kiwiburn? You’re an active Burner with a burning desire...