Covid Refund Policy and FAQ’s

Sep 28, 2020

With tickets on sale as of 3 October, you might be wondering what happens in these uncertain times of Covid. While we are gearing up for an event that resembles normality (as much as Kiwiburn ever does!), there are a few things to know:

  • If any part of the country is in anything other than level 1 (and with the understanding that level 0 is unlikely by January), the event will NOT go ahead. 
  • If the event has to be cancelled due to any part of the country going to Level 2 or higher, and there being insufficient time to return to level 1, the following Refund Policy will take effect:
    • The $15 annual Society membership fee (which has always been a part of any Ticket sale and is part of our Society Rules) is non-refundable The membership fee enables  the basic and year round financial obligations of Kiwibrun to be fulfilled
    • The remainder of the face value price of the Ticket ($180) will be refunded in full to each ticket purchaser 
    • Note: The ticket purchaser is the person who paid for the ticket. If the ticket has been sold on privately or another person paid for your ticket, they will get refunded and you will need to sort things out with them. 
    • We will release a statement about ongoing costs incurred to date, depending on the timing of any cancellation
    • You may choose to gift your entire refund to Kiwiburn by declining the refund, or make a donation of a chosen amount via a separate method (e.g. Givealittle, in particular if a cancellation occurs close to the event and a lot of costs have been incurred already.)
    • A Frequently Asked Questions section is available on the Kiwiburn website, which will continue to evolve as time goes by, which covers Covid Measures and Covid Refund policy questions.

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