Jan 25, 2021

Learnings from Ignition: Communal Effort & Civic Responsibility

1. Don’t you create a trip hazard: consider where you kick off your shoes for a dance, to sit, or whatever, where someone may trip over them – especially at night. If you spot the MOOP (such as said shoes), you can move them next to a pole, along the perimeter, or shine a light on them.

1.a. In fact, light up every tent peg at night to be seen by scavenging yourself a bundle of solar lights for your campsite. Ninja points: HighLIGHT them with random ART during the day!

2. Every Camper/Burner with a cooker/open flame requires a fire extinguisher. Even a small, canister extinguisher will do, easily picked up at many stores.

3. The mighty wind is up! No gentle summer breeze here! Make sure that anything not up to more than a gentle breeze is taken down in such conditions. This eliminates the possibility of flying spiky things coming at you or launching away toward others.

4. If you bring extra fuel containers, they must be stored five meters away from everyone. Preferably near a fence line with a marker out (think: cone or a No Smoking sign hammered into the ground at a distance away from said stash).

5. Drive at 5 km/h or less (even when excited or in a hurry) in your vehicle. Or don’t drive at all!

In summary, Burners:

Look out for each other, be considerate, and let’s have a phenomenal Picnic together!

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