So what does ExCom get up to every month anyway? Is it mostly an exchange of jolly good guffaws and thigh slapping, or are they all lizards who hide their third eyelids by blinking real fast? If you care to find out what is said at the monthly meetings which every Facilitator attends, then check out this tab on the website where minutes are posted (at times redacted if a confidential issue is discussed). It sure makes for riveting reading, just don’t give away the ending. This is a spoiler free zone, after all.
These minutes will get updated after every meeting (which is usually every second Tuesday of each month), so keep going back for more developments.
If you further care what it takes to make it all happen, you can also check out the public threads on the Google Group. Go on, have a sneak peek, we won’t tell.
Image credit: Trapeze artists in circus, lithograph by Calvert Litho. Co., 1890. Edited digital image from the Library of Congress, reproduction number: LC-USZC4-2091.