At the beginning of the month, the hardworking legends that make up (soon-to-be-renamed-but-for-now-still-known-as) ExCom, gathered for a good ol’ fashioned monthly catch-up. As they do, you know, monrhly.
As always, loads to discuss! But here are a few juicy tidbits for you, hungry readers:
- Treasury Updates: The Kiwiburn23 Actual vs. Budget result was still being worked on, awaiting the resolution of invoices and unforeseen expenses (mountains of mulch aren’t cheap).
- Communications and Afterburn Report: The Communications Facilitator provided updates on the afterburn report and proposed the creation of a Kiwiburn Soundcloud account for DJs and artists to share their sets with the community, generating discussions and feedback; This we LOVE.
- Theme Submissions Review: Feedback on the process of reviewing theme submissions for Kiwiburn24 was sought, exploring potential options for decision-making if the Kiwiburn Arts Committee (KAC) were unavailable.
For more detailed information and in-depth insights into the ExCom discussions, please refer to the full meeting minutes by visiting this wee link.
We will release minutes from every monthly ExCom meeting so you can read what goes on behind the scenes. Aaaand, as if all of that was not enough, there will be a second ExCom Summit coming up the weekend of 9-11 June, so we’ll have more info coming out of that as well.
Please also note that there will be a Fireside chats with ExCom (a new name is coming, promise!) coming up on a regular basis starting on 27 June and the 4th Tuesday every other month thereafter to go over the minutes, ask questions or bring forward proposals. More info to come.
Image credit: Gerd Altmann