Finding Your Burn Family

Jul 19, 2020

Did you know there are several online communities for Kiwiburners of different identities and backgrounds to safely connect and support each other? These include Women+ of Kiwiburn, POC (People of Colour) Kiwburn, and Rainbow Kiwiburn. Unlike the main Kiwiburn Facebook group, they are not administered by the Kiwiburn Communications Team, but are run by and for members of each community.

The oldest of these three, Women+ of Kiwiburn is a forum and safer-space for community building, support and space holding, offered by and to women+ of Kiwiburn, specifically inclusive of all our non-male/non-binary/trans/femme-identifying people.

POC of Kiwiburn is a dedicated group and safe space for people of colour to come together, share resources, and work together. POC Kiwiburn is a group created for our community to thrive authentically and without fear of judgement.

Rainbow Kiwiburn is the newest of these groups. It is a platform for queer identified burners to connect and collaborate with radical engagement and participation. The group aims to support and enhance queer visibility and accessibility within Kiwiburn and at burner events in Aotearoa.

For even more groups, check out the Community Initiatives on our Kiwiburn page.

Kiwiburn welcomes you and can benefit from your input – if you have some spare time and energy, consider volunteering and helping make the event more diverse and inclusive!

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