Help make Burning Man “Multiverse” happen

May 4, 2020

We have previously reported that even the big Daddy, Burning Man (BM) itself won’t happen this year due to Covid-19. 

However, the organisers have decided to make the most out of this year’s theme “Mulitverse” and intend to have an event in a virtual way. You can help with creating this. Have you ever wanted to participate but have never been able to get yourself to Black Rock City? Are you an experienced attendee to BM and would like to recreate some of the magic online? There are no rules, no boundaries, no limits. Literally!

Check out for some more info here. 

Furthermore, there is Beyond Burning Man, the official medium publication, who are also looking for submissions. Do you have a great idea that you’d like to explore more, are conducting interesting research or would simply like to see your name in print, check out the official link for you to submit anything for this. 


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