Meet your new Crew Facilitator, Rose!

Jun 24, 2024

Firstly, what does the Crew Facilitator role involve?
As you should all know by now, Kiwiburn is entirely run by volunteers both during the event and during the year! So we have a team to wrangle all of you to give you something to do as well as shower you all with appreciation and swag! 

How do you spend your time when you are not doing things related to Kiwiburn?
I am an event manager predominantly working underground events over in Australia.

Being involved with Kiwiburn can take a lot of energy. How do you re-energise?
Make sure I get quality alone time. My lifestyle is incredibly social!

Do you have a favourite Burn outfit?
I’m so bad for rolling through in what I’ve been working in all day so a revamp from my friends in the Closet works a treat!

What skills have you learned by being involved with Kiwiburn?
Working with a large diverse group of sparkly humans. You’ll never find a team quite like it!

What has been your favourite moment at a Burn?
I would have to choose being onsite for the 3 weeks of build at this year’s Burn! The shenanigans and bonding that happens in that time just totally enhanced my 4th Burn experience. I left feeling so much more connected to why we all do this a yearning to be involved with Kiwiburn deeper. 

What are you most excited about for Kiwiburn 2025?
The Theme! I can’t wait to see the creativity and Art that comes from this!!

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