Want to return to the Paddock in 2025? Unless you want to hedge your bets in the lottery (and there’s only 450 of them to ‘win’), then your best bet is to get involved! But don’t fret my friend, you’ll have more chances than ever to get involved. This year, there’ll...
Latest News
Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.
You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).
And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team.
Power to the Paddock!
Heyo! Theme Camps… we know that bringing an awesome camp to Kiwiburn requires a lot of effort, and things can get a bit costly. If you’ve been saving your Theme Camp pennies for a shiny new generator to bring more Paddock doof (or a freezer for ice cream, or a crazy...
Join the Crew
Believe it or not, we’re already halfway through this thing they call 2024! With only six months to go until the Burn, we at Kiwiburn have officially set our watches to Crunch-Time. Next year’s Burn is set to be a big ‘un which means we need every Volunteer position...
Burnable Art Roles
You love Burns right? And you definitely love seeing things burn too right? We do too! Well then, how would you like to be a part of the beautiful crew who makes the Effigy and Temple burns happen? Sounds awesome right? If so, then we have two open roles that’d suit...
Poster Competition
Hey Burners, Don't forget about our Trash Renaissance Fair poster design competition! We had so many great submissions for the theme, there’s doubtless a bunch of you out there who can whip up a two-dimensional masterpiece. We need your creativity to shine! A theme of...
Art Grant money for you and for you and for you!
Whether you’re a painter, a sculptor, a lover of pretty lights, everything in between and anything beyond - now is your chance to potentially grab some dosh towards your awesome as Art project! Art Grants are open until 25 June 2024, just 3 weeks from now. If...
KAC is recruiting!
Do you love seeing art on the Paddock? Want to see more of it at the Burn? Are you keen to get more involved with Kiwiburn? If you answered ‘YES!’ to any of these, then KAC may be for you! What’s KAC? It’s the Kiwiburn Arts Committee. The KAC are responsible for...
A Fond Farewell
$exCom was a complete affair for a wee while, but life sometimes does its thing and we’ve had two Facilitators step down recently (albeit on very good terms and much to their dismay). So we bid a fond farewell to Jax who acted as our Crew Facilitator wrangling all...
Theme Creator!
Dani Tollemacher, come on down! Dani is the brain-womb behind the brain-child that is our Trash Renaissance Fair for Kiwiburn 25! Dani’s theme has been explained in detail in a previous issue, this is just an opportunity for us to tip our hat to the creation of such a...
The Kiwiburn 2025 Theme has been decided!
We’re excited to announce, the Theme for Kiwiburn 2025 has been decided on. After putting the vote to the community, we have a winner! The winning theme for Kiwiburn 2025 is… Trash Renaissance Fair! The description of the theme is as follows: ‘Join us at the Trash...