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Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.

You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).

And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team. 

Kiwiburn 2024 Theme

Kiwiburn 2024 Theme

Alright you lot! Listen up! The time has come to start thinking about the Theme for Kiwiburn 2024. Each year, the chosen Theme guides the Art, costumes, and Events you experience at Kiwiburn. We’re sure we don’t need to remind you (we will anyway ‘cause we’re good...

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Feel the Burn Year Round!

Feel the Burn Year Round!

If you’re missing that unparalleled feeling of being immersed in Kiwiburn - y’know, that bubbling excitement, enthusiasm, and anticipation you feel in the lead up to the Burn - we have something that miiight just hit the spot! Many of you will know that our fantastic...

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Regional Round Up

Regional Round Up

Thinking of putting together an Art installation for Kiwiburn 24? Need some inspiration? Or perhaps you’re just sick of looking at on-ramps and brake lights this week and want to look at some great Art. Then have a snoop at some of the other amazing Art submissions...

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Kiwiburn gets Railed!

Kiwiburn gets Railed!

For those of us who were at Kiwiburn 23 AKA Mudburn AKA Swamp-Stomp, we all remember getting just a scooch of liquid dirt on our toes at some stage throughout the festivities. Obviously, this was utterly unacceptable. If there’s ONE thing Burners all unanimously hate,...

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New Blog/EFP Writer – Captain Intro

New Blog/EFP Writer – Captain Intro

Kia ora! Captain here, the newest member of the EFP/Blog post writing team. I have a quick intro on myself for you today! Who are you? Some of you may have met me in HBFA camp this year, where I’m the camp lead. When I’m not on the Paddock, I’m known as Owen. I live...

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Check Yer Luggage

Check Yer Luggage

Sometimes we bring back wonderful things from the Paddock. New friends, a handy drinks bottle you’re pretty sure isn't yours but will do nicely in lieu of the one you used to have, the weird rash that won't go away and hey, what are these two spare RT radio batteries...

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How to cope with the post-burn blues:

How to cope with the post-burn blues:

It’s been a full month since we were on the Paddock, and if you’re an Auckland-based Burner, it seems the rain has followed us from the Paddock right back here. If you're lucky enough to live outside of New Zealand's largest carpark, you might be having your share of...

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Regional Round Up

Regional Round Up

Burning Man: 27 Aug - 4 Sep 2023 Tickets If you’re planning on heading to Burning Man this year, you must register your Burner Profile, regardless of which sale/program you acquire your ticket through. Stewards Sale (formerly the Directed Group Sale, for Theme Camps,...

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Kiwiburn and Covid – not something to sneeze at?

Kiwiburn and Covid – not something to sneeze at?

We have a new blog and EFP writer, Captain! We will introduce them properly next week, but meantime catch their first blog here - how did our first reunion after Covid go? Were we changed, were we distanced, or did we rejoice at the return of human connection? Read...

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Wanted: Our Radio back urgently!

Wanted: Our Radio back urgently!

We are urgently seeking the safe return of one RT and mic set (that's the radios we give to volunteers)! Someone must have packed it by accident - please please please if you at any point volunteered and got given one of these, check your Kiwiburn stuff and see if it...

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