Latest News

Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.

You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).

And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team. 

Centre Camp – Now Under New Management!

Centre Camp – Now Under New Management!

Join us in welcoming our new Centre Camp co-leads, Bel and Dave, to the fray! Centre Camp, aka Town Hall, is set to be a centrepiece for KB22 – expect biiiiig things! There will be a bombdiggity tent to host your events and art, as well as all the gear you’ll need to...

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Introducing the Ninth Principle: Participation

Introducing the Ninth Principle: Participation

“We achieve being through doing. Everyone is invited to work. Everyone is invited to play.” – excerpt from the Ninth Principle: Participation. Ever wonder how the Burn burns oh so brightly? How the flames leap higher and higher with each trip around the sun? How that...

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COVID Policy for Kiwiburn 2022

COVID Policy for Kiwiburn 2022

In light of tickets becoming available soon via the lottery (do not forget to register your Burner Profile in order to go into the draw), please be aware of the COVID Policy for Kiwiburn 2022 We have already run Kiwiburn 2021 in COVID times, and the approach remains...

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Population size and ticket price for Kiwiburn 2022

Population size and ticket price for Kiwiburn 2022

Recently a decision was made by ExCom to slightly increase the number of participants, and thus the total number of tickets, to 2300. This is a modest increase of 100 souls over last year. It also means that 50%, or 1150 tickets, will be available in the general sale...

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Burner Profile Rego Deadline!

Burner Profile Rego Deadline!

Ticketing time is nearly upon us! The ticket lottery commences on 7 October. In order to be in the lottery, you must register a Burner Profile! The deadline to register your Burner Profile is this Thursday 30 September. If you don’t register in time, you don’t go in...

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Situations Vacant

Situations Vacant

The Kiwiburn volunteer positions page is currently choc-a-bloc full of roles in need of a capable human to fill them (werewolves will also be considered, provided they’re cuddly and they’ve been to a couple Burns). First up, we need a new Sanitation Lead i.e. Portaloo...

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Kiwiburn has a new Org Structure

Kiwiburn has a new Org Structure

Kiwiburn is an ongoing experiment - the community and the event are evolving and we are constantly questioning the way we do things and how to be better. And we have an obligation to listen to feedback.  All of this has led us to rethink our organisational structure...

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You want tickets? Register your profile!

You want tickets? Register your profile!

It’s a busy time: applying for Art Grants and organising Theme Camps and registering events and planning volunteer shifts … but don’t forget the most important thing: You Have To Register Your Kiwiburn Profile By Thursday 30 September To Be Part Of The Ticket Lottery!...

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IT Wizards Wanted

IT Wizards Wanted

Kiwiburn’s IT team are looking for two new volunteers to help develop and maintain our databases and web presence. You would  use AirTable to develop our Volunteer Management System database, build and maintain the portal which visitors to our website use to send info...

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Sustainability Team Needs Humans!

Sustainability Team Needs Humans!

Kiwiburn’s new Sustainability Team needs some capable humans to help us become a less trashy community (less literally trash-creating, that is. Burners are welcome to be as low-brow as they wish). Specifically, we need a Data Collection Lead and several Think Tank...

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