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Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.

You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).

And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team. 

All the Art, all the time

All the Art, all the time

Photocredit: Alice Peperell, 2018 We are rapidly approaching the final deadline for Art Grant applications - 6 September! In the run up, we are bringing you lots of Art updates - there will be an info evening on 1 September, Octopussy, Art Shark 2020 winner, is...

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Art Grant Info Evening : Held on Zoom

Art Grant Info Evening : Held on Zoom

Planning on attending Kiwiburn 2021? Awww yussss! Let’s kick Covid’s arse so we can do this thing! Are you gonna make some art and wanna get some smeckles/smacks/dollars/coin to help fund it? Are you gonna stop talking shit and start making shit?! Let us help you! On...

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How to Art: A Burner’s Guide

How to Art: A Burner’s Guide

Have you ever wondered how you could make an Artwork for Kiwiburn? Head over to the KB-Log where Nico, creator of the 2015 Effigy, the 2018 Temple and much, much more, talks you through every detail of what it takes to make Art happen. A simply mind-boggling guide for...

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Art Shark

Art Shark

We all know about Art Grants , but do you even Art Shark, bro? Debuting live-on-air at Kiwiburn 2020, Art Shark was an on-Paddock, nail-biting, tongue-twisting, history-making show where contestants competed for an 2021 Art Grant. Art Shark will return to a screen...

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BM Multiverse: Prepare for Launch

BM Multiverse: Prepare for Launch

It’s almost here! The parallel universes of Burning Man 2020 are launching on 30 August, and will be fully accessible to anyone, for free, for the duration of Burning Man 2020. Don’t miss out! Years from now, this may be that Big First Virtual Burn everyone remembers,...

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ExCom Summit and Covid Update

ExCom Summit and Covid Update

With the resurgence of Covid causing a lockdown in Auckland, the planned ExCom summit this weekend did not go ahead. Despite initial attempts to convert it into a fully online event, it soon became clear that more planning was necessary at such short notice, and we...

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The story of TRONG!

The story of TRONG!

What is it like building an artwork for Kiwiburn and getting arts funding?  Head over to our blog, where 2020 Art Grant recipient Daniel talks about his experience building TRONG!, a TRON-like glow-in-the-dark table tennis table, and how he became a regular Kiwiburn...

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Meet our new Blog writer!

Meet our new Blog writer!

Our volunteer family is growing, and we have a new blogger to re-kindle the Kiwiburn Blog. Meet our brilliant new blogger, Navigator! Tell us a little about yourself I originally hail from the US. I have lived in Aotearoa for ten years now (best life decision I ever...

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Virtual Temple Reminder

Virtual Temple Reminder

Photo credit: Andy Flint If you’re struggling with everything that 2020 has thrown at us and need somewhere to release that feeling, you can leave a message or other offering at Burning Man’s Virtual Temple. Offerings can be left up until August 29, and the Virtual...

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Theme Camp Advance Ticket Information

Theme Camp Advance Ticket Information

Hi all you wonderful Theme Camp administrators, Did you recently receive an email asking you to fill in a survey about your theme camp plans?  Did it mention advance ticket sales? It seems that one of our awesome volunteer bees got a little bit too buzzy too early,...

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