photo by Andy Flint Temple and Effigy 2021 Applications are closing 31 May The due date to submit Expressions of Interest (EOIs) to design the 2021 Temple and Effigy is rapidly approaching – make sure you get your applications in by 31 May. Don’t worry if you haven’t...
Latest News
Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.
You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).
And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team.
Changes in ExCom – A Note from the Acting Chair
Brace yourselves, it's a long one, Lots of changes are afoot within Kiwiburn as we farewell four members of ExCom. Carvy, Safety Facilitator, retired from ExCom in March after stepping into the breach last year, contributing significant time and expertise to help...
A Penny for your Website Thoughts
Okay, we lied. There are no pennies here. But we would love your thoughts! Some students from Victoria University of Wellington are completing a Masters project on the User Experience of the Kiwiburn website, and would love your help with their assignment. They've...
Introducing Jo – New Communications Team member
Tell us a little about yourself My name is Jo Legutko, I just moved to Wellington from South Africa (SA). I have never been to Kiwiburn (!) but I have done six AfrikaBurns - running various Theme Camps and helping build a couple of Mutant Vehicles. Firstly, what does...
Introducing Tris – Another new Communications Team member
Tell us a little about yourself. My name is Tristan Cordelia (she/her pronouns), known as Tris. I’m a musician and historian from Wellington, and have been to three Kiwiburns, most recently as part of the Museum of Inconvenient Teapots Theme Camp. Firstly, what does...
Meanwhile, Something Burned In Africa…
AfrikaBurn, like many international Burns, was a victim of Covid-19 this year… though like a digital Phoenix rising from the ashes, AfrikaBurners were not to be kept down: Enter HomeBurn, the virtual incarnation of AfrikaBurn 2020. The event was hosted online on the...
Kiwiburn 2021 is going ahead…
... well, as far as we know. Given the impact of COVID-19 on Burns around the world, you might be wondering if Kiwiburn is happening in January 2021. The answer is yes, it is. With the information currently available, Kiwiburn is progressing as planned. Like you, the...
Temple and Effigy 2021 Applications Are Now Open!
Photo of Temple of the Future courtesy of Andy Flint Applications are open for artists and designers to submit expressions of interest for building the Kiwiburn 2021 Temple and Effigy. The Arts Team has been busy developing new tools, and this year we have a...
Extension to 2021 Poster competition
How are your poster designs looking? We have extended the deadline for the poster design submissions until 17 May at midnight, so get kraken and submit your ideas, doodle or concept and your artwork might feature on everything related to the Kiwiburn 2021...
Burning Man in the age of Covid
The little virus that could is changing the world after than you can say 'hand sanitiser' and of course this means the Burner Community has to change as well. We've been reporting on a number of Burns having to cancel, yet this community is nothing if not resistant...