Power. Not now, but not Never.

Jun 24, 2024

Hey Burners,

We wanted to take a moment to clear up some confusion and keep everyone on the same page regarding the recent buzz about power.

There’s a bit of confusion over our last announcement about the Paddock becoming equipped with power. Well, not quite! We’re still in the investigative stage, exploring all the possibilities, and figuring out the details. So, while the prospect of new power developments is exciting, there’s no final decision on how, when, or for how much this could be achieved just yet. We let you know early so that any Theme Camps who may be looking at purchasing a new generator in the next few years would take this into consideration before going ahead.

Our apologies for any misunderstanding. We know how exciting a prospect this would be, especially for the big ol’ sound camps, and we’re just as eager as you are to see where this leads. Rest assured, we’ll keep you updated with any new developments as they come.

Thanks for your patience and understanding. And a special shout-out to everyone for their engagement and support – it’s what keeps us moving forward!

Stay tuned, and we promise to keep you in the loop!

Image credit: Marina Valle

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