Tankwa Town found a new home – yay!

Oct 21, 2019

News from the southern tip of Africa! AKA South Africa! Or more specifically – AfrikaBurn!

You might know this already but now you will know again.

Monique, their Regional Contact, shared the wonderful news that they have found a new home after searching far and wide for seven long years.

This is extra special! It has taken a while as they wanted land they could own/be sole custodians of… and now they have it. The property is a gift from a long standing South African Burner…

“…he chairs the Mapula Trust, which has its aim as the preservation of parcels of land for the protection of biodiversity. The land will remain in the ownership of the Mapula rust but we have been gifted an usufruct in perpetuity.”

Holy cow! Did we hear you say “I want to know more about this?” ah well then, head over to their website to find out All the Things.

2020 will be the last year at the current site Stonehenge Farm, where, we have been assured, they’re “going to ceremony the shit out of that Burn”… so be a part of AfrikaBurn history, book your tickets soon! They are on sale from Rātū te rua tekau ma iwa Whiringa-ā-nuku (Tuesday 29 October) at 10am SAST.

Thanks to Monika for the info, and for Pete (our New Zealand Regional Contact) for passing it on.

Fun facts about AfrikaBurn:

  • it began in 2007, with around 1000 participants, oh wow
  • their Effigy is called The Clan
  • although definitely not set in South Africa, this song was inspired by the event. Honest
  • based on these survey results, it is difficult to tell if 75% of cars traveling to Tankwa Town in 2017 got a puncture, or 75% didn’t get a puncture.

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