Theme Camps Registrations are live

Jul 22, 2024

In case you missed it; Theme Camp Registrations are now live!

Here’s a message from the Theme Camps team:

Hi Theme Camp Leads! 

Thank you for your ongoing engagement with the Theme Camps Team this year. We have decided to get the ball rolling early this year for theme camp registrations, as well as other key deadlines and dates listed below. With this in mind, we are very excited to announce that the Theme Camp Registration Portal is now LIVE!

You can access it here!

You will have been emailed your previous registration when you applied last year, we recommend checking your inbox for that email from the Theme Camps email address. Please use this to help you fill in this year’s application (if it is still relevant). We are hoping to email your Kiwiburn 2024 rego to you directly, however we are having technical difficulties with sending automated emails at the moment, so bear with us.

The Theme Camps Team is improving accessibility this year, so if you need assistance to complete the registration form, please reply to this email and we will be in touch to find out how we can best support you with this process – this could include dictating to us on a phone/video call if typing or screens are difficult, or we can guide you through the registration questions and explain them at your own pace. Please get in touch if this is something you would like support with.

Below are all of the important dates for Kiwiburn 2025 Theme Camp applications:

An image of the dates relating to Theme Camp registrations.





Main image Credit: Nabulen Ignacio

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