We need you! To manage Crew. 

Jun 20, 2022

In a case of the egg recruiting the chicken, we need a Crew Facilitator urgently! Kiwiburn is kicking into gear and exciting announcements are coming soon (like ticket sales!), so we need a wise and caring captain to take the helm of our volunteer ship ASAP.

This person is responsible for vollies big and small – from recruitment to wrangling to care (water daily, fertilise weekly!), to managing the processes and how it all fits together. The Crew Facilitator works with 7 Team Leads and is part of ExCom (or whatever we will be calling it soon), so this is a role for an experienced Burner and volunteer. 

This role is 2-5 hours a week year round ramping up to double that in the summer. You will get a coveted Early Access pass and ideally spend a whole week on site pre-Burn, making sure the volunteers setting up are looked after.

Read the full job spec here, and raise your hand here to start the conversation.

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