Recent News
Say hi to James!
We’re super stoked to introduce our sensational new Site Safety Facilitator, James! James has the super important job of ensuring that Kiwiburn operates a safe and compliant environment so we - the participants and volunteers - can be kept safe during our time on the...
Theme Camp Registration Closes Soon
If you’re part of a Theme Camp and you want to be ‘official’ on the Paddock for 2023, you need to have your Theme Camp registered by 30 October (that’s this Sunday). Registering your Theme Camp gets you your very own allocated space on the Paddock AND your events and...
Art Registration Deadline
The deadline for Art registrations (with the chance at an allocated ticket) has been extended until 26 Oct (that’s tomorrow!). This is your final chance to register your Art if you want the opportunity to nab a reserve ticket along with it. If you want to...