Recent News
Baker Kneaded
Pardon the pun, but we had to get your attention. The Kitchen is one volunteer short! The call is going out for someone who knows the difference between a muffin and a cupcake, and can ideally whisk eggs like a Level-Three Grandma or higher. If you’re keen, you...
MPW Still Needs a 2iC!
Feel like you’ve read this article already? Got some Deja Vu happening? It’s not a glitch in the Matrix. We are still on the lookout for a talented and amazing human (or extremely well-trained animal) to take on this role! MPW is a crucial part of taking Kiwiburn from...
Social Media Wrangler Wanted
Look, we know you spend more time scrolling social media than you’d care to admit. We’re not here to judge - we’re all guilty of it at some point. We’re simply here to let you know that you could put your scrolling time to better use and become a Social Media Wrangler...