The next Kiwiburn will be held inJanuary 2025<br />
Exact dates to be confirmed<br />
Stay tuned and we’ll see you on the Paddock!

Recent News



Surrounded by the luscious natural setting of Adventure Waikato, the ReGen team is creating and regenerating, fundraising for tree planting and shaping the stunning outdoor location with art and other curiosities to enjoy for years to come. Leave No Trace, Consent and...

Burning Man reborn

Burning Man reborn

Burning Man has taken a hiatus during Covid, but they are back in 2022, with many changes to the way things are run. Turnkey operations are disrupted, and coffee is no longer sold! Read all about it here. If you are hoping to head to BM2022, there is also a page for...

Info on Ticket Refunds

Info on Ticket Refunds

You're all waiting to hear what is happening with tickets and here is an update: We will issue refunds on tickets purchased for Kiwiburn 2022, and we are working with Quicket to get this actioned early to mid in January, in line with our ticket purchase Terms and...

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