Recent News
Update from site
Teaser from a wooden structure on site that shall be burned. She's hot and she's heavy. Hope you're ready to get sweaty. Ok, we'll quit with the rhyming. But seriously, the sun is beaming, the ground is hard and dry, so there could not be more perfect conditions of a...
Arriving and Driving on Site
Gate Entry Information Gate opens at 8am, Wednesday 22 January! Please DO NOT arrive and start queueing before 8am, you will be sent away to wait somewhere else! You can chill at Vinegar Hill Camp Ground nearby, or hang out and have a coffee in Hunterville, then...
FAQs for you
Get FAQs, the best source if you have any queries, concerns or issues! Can I bring my dog (uhm, no.)? What's the address? What time does Gate open? Who's on the Main Stage? Can I buy day tickets at the entrance? What if I've already bought a trailer full of Double...