The next Kiwiburn will be held inJanuary 2025<br />
Exact dates to be confirmed<br />
Stay tuned and we’ll see you on the Paddock!

Recent News

Feeling the love?

Burning Wish is a community of survivors, caregivers and volunteers making Burning Man accessible to cancer patients and their families. Learn more here about how you can be involved.

Keeping social media social

Kiwiburn's social media pages have been fairly undramatic and troll-free for all the years they have existed. Thanks for being such a polite community! Occasionally it is good to remind everyone there are guidelines for belonging to a Group, so always take the time to...

Regional Round Up

Membership Applications for the new Burning Seed Entity The Burning Seed restructure committee is seeking expressions of interest from people who want to be a member of the new entity that will run Seed into the future. Details here. Theme Camp Info Night - Melbourne...

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