The next Kiwiburn will be held inJanuary 2025<br />
Exact dates to be confirmed<br />
Stay tuned and we’ll see you on the Paddock!

Recent News

Joining the Kiwiburn Facebook Group

If you are wanting to join the Group or inviting a friend to join, please answer the two simple questions so the team can add you. It helps the Communications team volunteers know that you're not a fake profile. Yep, they are still around, though in lesser numbers....

#thankslarry, 21 June 2018

On Thursday 21 June 2018, Burners around the world gathered to pay tribute to Burning Man founder, Larry Harvey, who passed away after a stroke. His life was celebrated and honoured in many different ways. How did you show your gratitude? View some of the written...

Peachy keen

When you're traveling south along Sate Highway 1 from Managweka and see the legendary Peach teats billboard, you know you're almost Home. It's iconic, and has been around for quater of a century. Read about the history of the billboard here.

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