The next Kiwiburn will be held inJanuary 2025
Exact dates to be confirmed
Stay tuned and we’ll see you on the Paddock!

Recent News

Help Nepal – Burners Without Borders (BWB) 128 Initiative

Nepal has been struck by overwhelming tragedy recently with two large earthquakes. Longtime Kiwiburner Peter Brierley-Millman is helping out by raising the roof at Cloud9 to raise money to help them rebuild their devastated country. Gather your friends and bring them...

2015 Census results

Kiwiburners! Who are you and where are you from? Find out the answers to these questions, and more. The 2015 Census is out – read it now!

2016 Theme and Poster Competition

The theme for Kiwiburn 2016 is: Pot luck and emotion "Come one, come all. Camp, cook, celebrate; Laugh, cry, levitate. What’s better than a shared lunch with your work mates? A sensory feast with your burning besties! Dine on dance, masticate on music, and gorge your...

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