The next Kiwiburn will be held inJanuary 2025<br />
Exact dates to be confirmed<br />
Stay tuned and we’ll see you on the Paddock!

Recent News

We need an Effigy and a Temple!

We need an Effigy and a Temple!

You may not be aware of this, but each year at Kiwiburn… We burn stuff! Two stuffs, in fact. Before we can get the badass with the flamethrower to do the flamethrowing thing, we need talented, passionate and deep-thinking humans to deliver concepts for what shapes the...

Art Wanted!

Art Wanted!

Hey! Artists of the Paddock! Don’t forget: you can now apply for an Art grant to help fund your project for Kiwiburn 2024. Have a wee nosey at the Art grant page for everything you need to know, including the process, criteria for selection, and what won’t be funded....

Global Afterburn Report

Global Afterburn Report

The Burning Man Regional Network is a whole 25 years old and at its pre-COVID height, covered 108 events worldwide (down to 78 in 2022!). To celebrate the quarter century, a project called “25toThrive" is looking at the Regional Network's 25 year history and where the...

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