The next Kiwiburn will be held inJanuary 2025<br />
Exact dates to be confirmed<br />
Stay tuned and we’ll see you on the Paddock!

Recent News

Feel the Burn Year Round!

Feel the Burn Year Round!

If you’re missing that unparalleled feeling of being immersed in Kiwiburn - y’know, that bubbling excitement, enthusiasm, and anticipation you feel in the lead up to the Burn - we have something that miiight just hit the spot! Many of you will know that our fantastic...

Regional Round Up

Regional Round Up

Thinking of putting together an Art installation for Kiwiburn 24? Need some inspiration? Or perhaps you’re just sick of looking at on-ramps and brake lights this week and want to look at some great Art. Then have a snoop at some of the other amazing Art submissions...

Kiwiburn gets Railed!

Kiwiburn gets Railed!

For those of us who were at Kiwiburn 23 AKA Mudburn AKA Swamp-Stomp, we all remember getting just a scooch of liquid dirt on our toes at some stage throughout the festivities. Obviously, this was utterly unacceptable. If there’s ONE thing Burners all unanimously hate,...

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